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Amenities Matter!

  • 7 years ago

The amenities in any particular area can be a huge draw for buyers, so you need to think about what your neighbourhood has to offer.

Despite the rise and rise of online shopping and banking, people still want basic amenities like shops and post offices to be within sensible walking distances – 10-20 minutes’ walk.

Most in demand

Around half of potential housebuyers want a supermarket, preferably a major one, nearby. A quarter wanted a convenient post office, as well as a train station and just under a quarter wanted a pub within walking (or staggering) distance.

Only a quarter (obviously not the same one) were unconcerned about having amenities nearby. There were also clear gender differences, with women more concerned about having a post office and men more concerned about having a good local pub.

The pub, in fact, proved to be more important than a bank, a church or even a school, although this varied somewhat with age. The over-55 age group was more concerned about a bank and a post office, whereas it wasn’t too worried about a school.

The 25-34 group wasn’t too bothered about a bank or a post office, but it was worried about having a train station within walking distance. This reflects the likelihood that Millennials tend to commute to work. Millennials are also after schools, with 28% wanting to be in a good catchment area.

You can’t please all of the people

Not all sellers will have all the goods, so don’t worry if you have the school but not the supermarket, or you have the bank but not the post office. Amenities are important, but there are lots of other factors that make buyers buy. There’s the house itself, the look of the neighbourhood and the people.

You should think about who your amenities will appeal to – a good school, great transport links, a popular and friendly pub, and pitch your property at the demographic groups most likely to want what you have to offer.

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