One of the most daunting things about selling up and getting ready to move is the de-cluttering. It can seem like a huge task and the fact that it’s such an important process – both before and after you sell – can make people feel more anxious than they actually need to.
De-cluttering can be made easy, though, and in some cases therapeutic, if you get ready to do it and approach the process in the right way. A de-cluttered home can make you feel emotionally freer and ready to leave the place you may have lived in for years without feeling too much of a wrench.
Here’s how you can do it like a pro:
Get, and stay, organised
If you’re organised for each session, you stay on-task and determined. You should start each bout of de-cluttering with everything you need – brushes, bin-bags, cleaning equipment and cleaners, gloves, paper and boxes for wrapping valuables in. Having everything you need to hand means you don’t have to leave the room you’re working on and risk getting distracted.
Face the music
Music can make almost everything feel better and go faster, so sort out a playlist before you start. Only work as long as the playlist lasts, if that helps you, but if you feel inspired enough to carry on afterwards, then that’s a big bonus right there. Have a good singalong while you sort and pack and you might find you look forward to each round.
Splash out a bit
If you’re selling, then replacing tired old cushions, pillows, wall prints and throws is always a good idea and if you take these new soft furnishings to the new place, even better.
Make lists
Break down the process by room and by object type, then tick each task off as you complete it. The kitchen list could look like this:
Christmas crockery
Christmas baking equipment
Spare cups
Other seasonal table linen…
…and so on. The idea is to pack up equipment you won’t be using for a while or don’t use very often first, keeping just the essentials available right up until you move. For other rooms the process could start off with books, then ornaments. Repeat this for every room.
Treat yourself
After each task is done, give yourself a reward; this could be watching a favourite film, or a fancy bath-bomb, or an evening at the gym. Whatever it is, you should really look forward to it.