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Give Yourself Some Space – Five Ways to Make Your Home More Spacious

  • 2 years ago
Modern scandianvian living room interior with design sofa, elega

No matter what the size of the property you’re selling is, you need to make the most of the space it offers to attract the best buyers. A property that feels – and preferably is, to some degree – more spacious will always sell more easily and for a better price than a similar one that feels cramped and smaller.

Thankfully, you don’t have to set about the walls with a lump hammer or spend tens of thousands on an extension to make your place feel roomier (unless you really want to, that is…). There are a few tricks you can pull that’ll help but that won’t cost a fortune.

Get rid of all your clutter

Go through each room’s contents and decide which items and appliances you can do without for at least a few months while you sell. Some things, you might find, you can live without full stop, so these items can go to the charity shop while the others can go into storage until you move. You’re aiming to offer potential buyers a blank canvas that they can project their own personality and belongings onto.

Make sure your furniture is the right size

You might be fond of your enormous corner sofa and the many family film nights you’ve enjoyed on it, but if it’s dominating the space, it’s time to downsize for a while. You can either buy new and smaller pieces or borrow them for the duration. 

Invest in a few mirrors

Mirrors are a great, easy and cheap way to add space and light to a room. A large mirror at the back of a room will instantly add depth and space, as well as reflect any light back to anyone walking through the door.

Bring your walls back to neutral

You might love your vibrant wallpaper and emerald green walls, but not only does such individual decor get in the way of the blank canvas effect, it can also make a room feel smaller. Paint the walls and ceiling in the same light and neutral shade to make the space feel higher and wider.

Let more light in

Make sure your curtains and shutters are as open as possible before each viewing and engage a window cleaner to make sure as much light as possible can get through the glass. You should also use floor and table lamps to “layer” light in rooms and corridors, which adds depth and a feeling of space.


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