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Moving at Christmas Time

  • 1 year ago
Moving at Christmas Time

Christmas can be a stressful time all by its little self, but combine this seasonal flashpoint with that other well-known source of hassle – moving home – and you could end up with the perfect storm.

If you’re bracing yourself for a Yuletide move, we’ve got ? tips to make life that little bit easier so you make it into the New Year with only a couple of new grey hairs.

Plan ahead as much as possible

Once you have a moving date, even if it’s a vague one, get as much done and put in place as you can as soon as you can. Sort out your removal company, enrol the kids in their new school, create a packing schedule and get cracking before the ink is dry on your to-do list.

Speaking of that to-do list

Moving house might feel like a great big amorphous blob of chaos, but it’s actually a series of tasks that you can tick off as you complete them. There’s the utilities – both at the old place and your new home, schools, GP, vet, removals company, packing and so on. 

There are lots of online moving to-do lists to help you, so find one that speaks to you and print several copies out. If you’re moving with a significant other and older children, you can even do a bit of delegating, with everyone responsible for a few tasks each.

About that packing

You need a month to pack comfortably, although you can manage it in two weeks at a push. 

Start with the non-essentials. No-one is going to be wearing summer clothes and dousing themselves in sunscreen, are they? Old books? In the boxes first. The same applies to crockery and appliances that you don’t use very often, as well as ornaments and soft furnishings. Aim to pare everything to the bare essentials so that you only have to pack away the kettle and your toothbrushes on the morning of the move (and mark this vital box very clearly!).

Do your Christmas shopping early

Racing around looking for the ideal presents for all and sundry will not help you to relax, so start your Christmas shopping campaign as soon as you have a moving date. Once you’ve got all your presents in the bag, wrap them and put them in a clearly-marked box so you can access them at the other end.

Don’t worry about the weather

Do, however, be ready for anything. Carry a bag of grit and salt in the boot of your car, as well as shovels, just in case there is a bit of ice at either end. Prepare for wet weather too, with wellies and raincoats, as well as flasks of hot drinks for you and your removers.

Make sure you’re disconnected and connected

You want to get into your new place to find internet, gas and electricity, right? You also don’t want to be paying for a month or two more than you need to at the old place, especially at Christmas. 

Keep talking to the kids

If your children still believe in Santa, reassure them that he and his elves will know your new address. Moving is hard on younger children at any time of the year, so keep the lines of communication open and maybe send a change of address letter to the North Pole.

Keep an eye on your valuables

With darker nights and the financial pressures of the season, Christmas can lead to a spike in burglaries and thefts. If you have some particularly valuable items, think about putting them into storage or leave them at a relative’s home. Give out any presents that are going to friends and relatives at your old location and guard any that are coming with you.

Arrange an online delivery

When you’re busy unpacking at your new place, the last thing you want to do is head to the local shops, so make an online grocery order – with some treats – and you’ll be amazed at how much you’ll appreciate those tea bags.


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