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Sixty-second* Staging

  • 2 years ago

*Ahem. We can’t promise that you’ll get everything done in 60 seconds, unless you’re one of The Incredibles, but if you do only have a few minutes to spare before a viewing, here’s how you can work at least a partial miracle.

A washing basket is your best friend

Run through the house with a washing basket, picking up every scattered toy, old shoe, paperwork and even dirty crockery and laundry, dump it in the car boot and just don’t forget it’s there…

Have a set of fluffy, dazzling towels just for viewings

The tatty grey ones can go into the magical disappearing washing basket – joined-up thinking, eh?

Have a special set of bedding for the master bedroom

Keep a fancy (and clean) bedspread and set of pillows that you can simply chuck over your usual bedding to help your bedroom to look its best.

Open a window or two

Unless it’s really cold, open as many windows as possible as wide as possible. Even if you can only do this for a couple of minutes before the viewers arrive, it’ll help.

Keep a set of church candles for your grate

You might have time to light a fire, but if not, or if it’s August, light these candles instead. They’ll draw attention to your fireplace and add a touch of cosiness without the risk of an ash spill or heat exhaustion.

Turn on all the lights

Every home has a dark corridor or corner, so make sure you turn on all your lights to create a bright and welcoming scene. If it’s a really bright day, you could just open all your blinds or curtains instead, but just make sure that the interior is as lit as possible.

Create a nice vibe

Put on some quiet and relaxing music to make people feel more at home. Regardless of your personal taste in music, something unobtrusive, like light classical, will probably work best. No Norwegian death metal for you today…

Add a subtle scent

Make up an essential oil mix of lavender, vanilla and lemon in water so that you can give everything a quick spritz before viewers arrive. Try to avoid synthetic perfumes, as you might just set off someone’s asthma and remember: spritz, not douse.

Lastly, change out of your onesie and sandalsPlease


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